NEW RATES - During the months of Jul/Aug, select services will have an increase of $5-$15. Please refer FEES PAGE for details.

NEW RATES for Dr. Seema Kanwal starting in 1/Jul/2024. Please refer to FEES PAGE under Naturopathic Medicine tab for details.


Proud moment to see how far Reggie has come.

From @reggietanzola :

"This weekend marks 2 yrs since starting @andyfrisella #75hard challenge; 75 days x 2 workouts per day, + some other disciplines. Since then, I’ve completed it 4 times (twice per year). I’ve also completed all 3 additional phases (3 x 30 days).

75 Hard is a physical & mental toughness challenge. For me, it’s meant 240 days per year of 2 workouts a day (one always outside; rain, snow or sun). The remaining 125 days, I’m usually working out at least once a day.
Workouts have included lifting, running, kettle bells, HIIT & a variety of intense and challenging exercise routines. I’ve taken each challenge as an opportunity to push my limits.
When I first embarked on this journey, I could barely run for more than a few minutes at a time. I’d been dealing with an injury and wasn’t prepared to push-through my limitations.
What few people know, is that up until 6 months before embarking on the journey to reclaim my health & fitness, I’d been suffering from chronic back pain for nearly 4 years; and although I hid it well, it was very present and at times quite overwhelming.
Those initial years were pretty rough, but thanks to my team @fittotrain I made a recovery & would begin to resume a normal routine. They set me up so that I could get moving again and return to sport.
Really, I had living in victimhood & using the injury as an excuse to avoid doing hard things. Physically, I was a shadow of my former self and my personal athletic achievements were buried in a distant past. It seemed that the glory days were over and my proudest days were behind me.
It was time to take back my health and regain my athleticism. I wanted to look in the mirror again and recognize the warrior I once knew. I’d had enough of weak whimpering excuses and I made the decision that it was time to dominate in sport again. I knew it would take a lot of work. I knew there’d be pain. I knew that it would take sacrifice.
At first, running was especially hard. I had to work my way up to running one mile and then two and eventually many more. For me, the running has been the most challenging of all.
Today, on the 2 year anniversary of stepping up & pushing through physical and mental barriers, I’m proud to have completed @davidgoggins #4x4x48challenge. That’s running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours straight."
The physical requirements for this are quite significant but the mental challenge has proven to be even tougher.
I know it doesn’t end here. I know there’s much more work to do. I know there’s more in me & I’m gonna keep pushing limits. I know that this is just the beginning.

Mar 09, 2021